Wednesday, November 25, 2009

the desolate wilderness and the fair land

"The Desolate Wilderness" and "The Fair Land" have appeared annually on the Wall Street Journal Editorial Page since 1961. I love Thanksgiving and it is a deep joy to again meet with these articles as well as the great country they represent. How interesting that they were penned by a man named Vermont Connecticut Royster, whose family tradition was to use the names of states for its children. Now there's a pen that can write.

Those of us Americans who have lived in foreign lands know just how special our country is. We do indeed have great cause for thanksgiving at the bounty our Heavenly Father has bestowed upon us.

Read these two articles together with your families, reflect, and give thanks. America is unique and it is incumbent on us to preserve it, defend it, and bequeath it to our posterity.

Just yesterday I came across an old truism that seems especially appropriate for Thanksgiving Day: "Today is not a problem to be solved but a blessing to be enjoyed."

Happy Thanksgiving.

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