Salvador Dali, "The Persistence of Memory"
Oil on canvas, 9 1/2 x 13" (24.1 x 33 cm). © 2007 Salvador Dalí,
Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York
Beyond the privilege of participating in this group on a regular basis I have the additional privilege of offering a short devotional to begin these sessions. This past Monday I took a few moments to share how significant my personal commitment to the weekly readings of the Revised Common Lectionary has been in terms of deepening my relationship with the Lord and setting direction for my own life and ministry.
In my former missionary ministry we wrote monthly newsletters to our ministry partners. One of my favorites was from the very first year of our ministry, in which we were trying to raise funds and recruit a team before venturing off to language school to learn some Russian. I entitled that newsletter "The M-68", which referred to my personal spiritual compass. It was named 'M-68' after Micah 6:8: "He has shown you, O Man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God."
A world which is confused, distracted, and lost desperately needs people who know who they are and where they are going.
What is the model number of your spiritual compass? How regularly do you consult it? If you have misplaced it, need to dust it off, or even need to file a claim for a loss, might a commitment to the four simple weekly readings of the Revised Common Lectionary set this compass front and center once again, or even for the first time?
Remember this as well: the point of Bible reading is not to know the Bible, but rather to know the Lord, and his calling on your life. One of the great challenges and blessings of the lectionary for me is that because the weekly readings are limited, there is time and space to ask, "Father, what do you want to do with this in my life today?" It is this step of reverent submission (as the author of Hebrews puts it in a recent reading) that brings power to the words on the page.
Let us today check our course and set sail into the destiny our Father has for us.
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