Friday, May 11, 2007

global claims

Vasnetsov, "Knight at the Crossroads"

Easter 6
Psalm 67

I had lunch the other day with two colleagues each of whom come from countries torn apart by religious strife. Isn't religion what really causes such problems? Actually not. The real problem is man's manipulation of religion. Not only Al Qaeda, but self-proclaimed followers of Christ have been guilty of this.

The biblical vision is that of a just and gracious God who blesses all the nations of the earth and causes his face to shine upon them. This is not going to happen because God will decide willy-nilly to accept anyone and anything. It will happen rather because salvation will be known among all the nations.

I look forward to this heavenly United Nations with great anticipation. Let the followers of Christ be the people of God for our brothers in other countries, whether Arab, Jew, or Hindi. Father, may your kingdom come quickly, because we need it so desperately.

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