A couple of years ago two downtown Milwaukee business colleagues and I began to meet each week over lunch to read the Bible in Greek. Because I am now working in Franklin, WI as opposed to downtown Milwaukee, we've now taken our weekly meeting to Sunday nights, 8:00 pm Central Daylight Time on the internet by Skype. Would any of you like to join us? If so, please contact me with your Skype username and we'll conference you in.
The pre-requisite is a first year class in Greek. We're finding the fellowship, intellectual, and spiritual challenge to be profound. We're currently working our way through James chapter 3. Usually we spend some time parsing sentences, then coming to grips with the grammar, and then the practical implications of what we've read and discussed.
Why go to the time and trouble of reading the Bible in Greek? My answer is why go to the time and trouble of visiting the Grand Canyon. It's one thing to see it in a picture but quite another to walk in the dimensions of its shadows. The Biblical languages are doorways into the terrain of the divine.
You are welcome to join us on our next adventure.
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