For Sunday, August 24, 2008
Proper 16
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship" (Rom 12:1). In other words, given the mercy of God extended to us in being included among God's chosen people, let us live lives consecrated to him. To be consecrated means to be dedicated to something. As Michael Phelps has consecrated himself to swimming so are we to consecrate ourselves to our spiritual calling. Our lives are to be living cathedrals to God's grace and glory. What does this mean in practice?
First, it means that rather than being conformed to the pattern of this world, we will be transformed by the renewing of our mind (v. 2). Turn off the TV - make time for prayer, journaling, and Bible study. As a result we'll begin to understand God's will for our lives (v. 3).
Second, it means making a sober assessment of one's gifts (v. 4). How can my gifts best function within the body of Christ? Am I someone who can discern God's mind and direction in human affairs - then focus on this (v. 6). Am I someone who excels in serving to meet practical needs - then focus on this. Am I someone who excels in teaching? Encouraging? Providing financial support? Leadership? Engaging in a ministry of mercy? Then focus on this one thing.
One of my personal applications is to stay committed to writing this blog. My prayer is that this blog would serve the body of Christ by providing a ministry of teaching that will shape and spur myself and others to live out the gospel in all of life. I think the church is in need of a deeper and richer understanding of the gospel and that this ministry of writing is one way to promote this.
What about you? What need does the church and/or the world have that you are uniquely positioned to meet? Take the next step and watch your life transform before your eyes.
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