Sunday, June 15, 2008

Count Yourself Alive

Repin, "The Volga Boatmen"

Rom. 6:1-11
For Sun. June 22, 2008 (Proper 7)

If we are saved solely by grace, then why not just keep living as we please, so that more grace can be extended to us? This is the question Paul picks up and answers in Romans 6.

Paul points out that as believers, we have been united with the full spectrum of Christ's experience through baptism. One can't be baptized into the resurrection of Christ without being baptized into the steps that precede: death and burial. So now, just as Christ died to sin, so have we. Just as Christ now lives for God, so do we.
The good news for us who believe is that not only has the guilt of sin been removed but also its power (Expositor's Bible Commentary).

"But I'm not doing that?" you might object. Why not? This is what we are intended to do. This is what we are destined to do. Count yourself dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.

The immediately following verses give us the practical step to take: "Don't offer the members of your body to sin... but rather offer yourselves to God. Sin shall not be your master... you are not under law, but under grace." Will you offer your head, heart, and hands to God right now? Take a moment to tell the Lord this. Now simply ask Him, "Lord, how would you have me bring you glory today?" This is the question he gets so excited about answering. May the grace of Christ shine through each of our lives today, both individually and together.

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